What if in 2020 Donald proclaims a Nat’l Emergency because “the election was RIGGED?”
I don’t even know the words to describe the GOP Senator’s arguments in support of “No Impeachment”. Childish specious, offensive, deceitful, disgusting …ad nauseum…come to mind. If they are trying to render these proceedings unwatchable (which they no doubt are), they are succeeding. In addition to manipulative, non-responsive, deflecting, insincere and downright dishonest, the other key description is effective. Effective in the sense that they are succeeding in winning the hearts and minds of the “Base”… and until and unless the Democrats start mounting stronger, more resonating rebuttals…primarily in the news cycles (which people will watch), I see a rocky road ahead for the Demos in the 2020 elections…notwithstanding the current “rosy polls” showing every top tier Democratic candidate ahead of Donald Trump in a one on one election.
Like the super star athletes who make the mistake of believing too much of their press clippings, if the Demos and their supporters in the media and at home (like me) think that laughing mockingly at the GOP lies, hypocrisy and other manipulations (fake anger and indignation) is either resounding or effective rebuttals, they are mistaken. Dismissiveness that GOP arguments are deflective; or that they are not responsive to the actual substance of the high crimes and misdemeanors (the counts of the impeachment), is equally ineffective. What is needed from the Democrats are direct, clear and concise, hard hitting responses that are hammered loudly and repeatedly at such arguments in prime time. For example, every video snippet of:
1. Mike Pence, solemnly “indignating”, “The democrat’s have sunk so low in their desperation that they have now attacked the President’s and First Lady’s innocent teen age son”, or
2. Various GOP Senators singing in multi-part harmony that the President’s conduct does not rise to the level of “impeachable” (tenor melody), with a base line harmony…(the words bribery or extortion do not even appear in the charges), or
3. Jim Jordan clamoring, “This Impeachment is all about the Democrat’s just not liking us; they are resentful that 63 million of us won and they lost”, or
4. My personal favorite, in the category of victimology (Donald as the victim)…which goes something like this: The Dems had it in for DT from day one; that DT was never given a chance; that he was prematurely judged impeachable…
Although GOPS are mostly wrong on the facts, and although these arguments are (for the GOP) logical losers…they are all emotional winners…and if you have not noticed by now it has been emotion that wins the base…and it is emotion that will win Trump a second term. Dems not only must rebut every specious argument on the basis of Logic, the Logic must be wrapped in a shiny sheet of red-hot emotion. Luke-warm “holier than thou” handwringing emotion simply will not carry the day.
So, for example the hot response to the “Donald the Victim” of “unfairly early Democratic antipathy” argument is that Donald is only a victim of one factor. He is a “victim of his own corruption…his “baked in” cheating ways, which he was chomping at the bit to unleash from day one, his eyes bulging at the landscape of possibilities before him… like a bull in a candy shop (mixed metaphor intended).”
Those that thought Donald would become more “Presidential” once he grew into the mantle of the office, were quickly disabused of any such notion. He only grew into a greedier version of the cheating opportunist than he already was. The evidence of his document-able misconduct began immediately, and it is too numerous to recount here.
If the GOPs think he was dissed too prematurely, such disrespect would not have occurred unless he got busy being Donald from the get-go. That is the drumbeat in which each and every ridiculous GOP argument must be addressed and rebutted…visually, continually and impact-fully…until November 2020.
And if the Dems project weak, wussy-worthy, self-righteous handwringing from a candidate with “Dirty Hands, you can be sure that Trump will bulldoze them into oblivion. That is why Joe Biden, who still has no decent answer to the Hunter question, is at risk; why Elizabeth Warren, the pure queen of the “working poor”, having no answer for her corporate donors and her multi-million-dollar net worth, is also vulnerable. I am not indicting them…I’m just pointing out that weaknesses which can be exploited like an exposed carotid is probably the only true talent where Trump’s aim is true.
Paranoia and conspiracy worked for Trump before…and it will work again…because (I am sorry to report) that is exactly where some 60 million Americans live… Richard Nixon had his Smarty Pants, Alger Hiss…and Donald Trump is busy “Hiss-ifying” Adam Schiff.
If the likes of do nothing, fiscal spendthrifts, Russian loving, mental midgets like Jacket-less Jim Jordan or Devin Nonuts, or Louie the Goober can change the subject from actual irrefutable impeachable misconduct to noisy, deflective victim-hood… so easily and so smotheringly, the Democratic cause is in trouble. They must do better.
Let us not fool ourselves. If in the public eye, this low-life President skates on impeachment, we are truly screwed…and I don’t care what the polls say. Unless it is a landslide in 2020, what are we going to do when he claims that he lost because the election was RIGGED…and Mr. President declares a national emergency and refuses to leave office.
What then is the enforcement procedure to remove him from office? Is it the same enforcement procedure we currently use to enforce subpoenas for testimony and evidence from say Donald F. McGahn and other Trump advisers?
If that is the case, I need to know…”Does Canada have quotas for immigrants from the United States?”