We Need a Breath of Fresh Air to Cleanse the Stench of Trump Sleaze
You know, familiarity must breed contempt because the constant exposure of the top Democratic nominees has me now looking at them as the “Blah blah blah”, sacrificial flock of sheep-like candidates, unwittingly vying for the right to be nicknamed and torn to pieces by the reckless and sloppy butcher whose aim is not always accurate, but whose resulting mess is almost always effective…and “sell-able.”
I like them all, Bernie, Elizabeth, Joe and Pete, but the youthful, positive energy of a Cory Booker or a Michael Bennett seems much more refreshing…and attractive to voters… (Booker’s withdrawal, notwithstanding). The stench of Trump is everywhere, and no more pronounced than in the suffocating layers of stink hanging heavily upon every GOP Trump supporter every time they open their mouths in his defense. The need for a change in the atmospherics is in the air.
I bring this to your attention on a day that will have some history to it. First, Cory Booker who built his campaign around a message of unity, was unable to acquire a substantial following and terminated his unique candidacy for the Democratic Presidential nomination. He was the epitome of optimism, and his campaign theme of love and healing, was one that strangely ( and unfortunately for our country) could not find a home in our deeply polarized, Trumpian times.
I am hoping that Michael Bennett, a candidate who like Booker distinguishes himself from the Demo front runners with fewer glaring flaws, which Trump can “tweetingly” exploit with poisonously effective results, will carry the baton forward with a similar message for social justice, including strong policies on gun control, criminal justice reform and the (racial) wealth gap…and, of course some rational foreign policy that avoids destroying the planet. He may be too middle of the road for many voters who recognize the need for the kinds of HUGE change offered by Bernie or Elizabeth, but he has the distinct advantage of being able to win in the general…while our two true blue, smart and sincere lefties will get hammered to death by Trump’s unrelenting sleaze machine.
And this brings me to the second historic aspect of today, which is what we have discovered in the reporting from the New York Times. Russian Hackers have taken up the offer that our current Sleazebag President offered to the world when he invited any foreign government to look for dirt against his political opponents…and now these agents of the Kremlin are now working for Trump… scouring the computers of Buriesma (Ukrainian energy company, whose reputation is at the heart of our Impeachment proceedings) for dirt on Joe Biden… or they are busy planting fake stories therein. And, of course, this information comes to us via the NYT …not our intelligence community, who Trump has now also obviously kneecapped and/or compromised. And what’s worse is the Russians did not even try to disguise their burglary…because they do not care if they get caught…because under Trump…there is no price to pay.
This reckless, impulsive…”out of control”, obscene sleazebag “shits” all over our foreign policy, our institutions our congressional representatives…and our GOP Trumpsters, continue to support him, not even recognizing their own stench.
This is who is currently running our country. We need the exact opposite kind of leadership. It is time to refresh with some honest, intelligent, positive new energy.