We are going to get the country we deserve…Donald and Mitch…or Nancy?
There is no clever or witty or even innovative way to say it.
There is something gravely sick with the soul of our country. I understand the attraction that a Donald Trump type of character has for all the White Supremacists. But what about the rest of the hard working, fair minded members of our country. What explains their attraction to this truly horrible human being? And let’s be clear…the evidence of his horribleness has been evident from day one. There is no need to review the list of indecencies and obscenities. No person who raises their children to be good citizens; to be kind and considerate to their neighbors; to live honorably and confidently in accordance with the golden rule could possibly abide the sleazy, mean spirited, hurtful filth coming from the mouth of the President of the United States, much less the lies, the sick, hateful bullying that would be punishable by imprisonment for anyone else.
And now Mitch wants to sign up to be the Trump endorser in chief; the prime supporter of this person whose impeachment for betrayal of his duty to country has been amply demonstrated. Mitch wants to be the head assistant for cheating and betraying the American people. He has already declared for the record and for the world to see that he will not be impartial… as his oath requires when it comes to his duty of judging this president as a part of his Senatorial Constitutional responsibilities. He has proudly stated that he has already decided to be in “lock step” with the President’s defense, a defense the evidence of which he is duty bound to “fairly” evaluate. He has disqualified himself before he has properly inspected even a shred…and accordingly he should recuse himself as a juror…which, of course, he would never do.
Nonetheless, I think also that Mitch has outsmarted himself. He smugly states that the Dems are too afraid to send over to the Senate their “shoddy work product” (the Articles)… with a smug chuckle…as if he is going to elicit or “trick” some rash response from the Dems…or more important as if he is going to impress The Base with his cocky humor… ala his new buddy Donald Trump.
Not so fast, Mitch. Maybe not.
I think that Nancy Pelosi is on the right track…to call his bluff. If he’s all in for Trump…don’t send the articles…prolong the process…let him own his new title as cheater #2. Let the label cheater #2 take hold…Let the new cartoons of his lips solidly implanted on Donny’s ample exterior replace the Moscow Mitch cartoons. Let his homey’s in Kentucky finally see him for the fraud and disgrace he has always been. The tide is starting to shift, and he is going to realize real soon that he is being washed away with it. Time is not on his side or on Donny’s. Donny is already impeached…and Mitch is more vulnerable than he thinks
Let him recuse himself… or do a “mea culpa” and admit his mistaken disloyal attitude… and demonstrate with irreversible specificity that he agrees to be bound by whatever “fairness procedures” that Nancy Pelosi correctly points out are necessary to protect the Constitutional requirements. He may think this moment is a joke, but the Democrats do not.
The Democrats are standing firm for duty and truth and decency….our Democratic system
Mitch, Donald and the complicit Republicans are standing for “rigging” the system and cheating the country out of the truth we all deserve…a bastardization of our system.
It is that simple.
If the country decides to side with the Republicans in 2020, we will get the country we deserve…Let’s hope the Democrats show the country that there is a way to choose more wisely!