Time for our Fake President to Resign; Rumors of Election Rigging Are Premature

4 min readJul 31, 2020


Donald Trump, the President of the United States of America was very subdued the other afternoon, for a man who has been soundly rebuked and renounced with immediacy by more GOP Senators than he thought possible for suggesting that the November 3d elections should be delayed because he suspects that the procedures may be fraudulent. Donald is spinning in uncertainty. He is in way over his head, and he feels it and he knows it. He is sadly and pathetically admitting in advance that he believes that he may lose the coming election. He cannot even apply his make up with a steady hand.

If he honestly believes that he may lose, the conservative media and the GOP “elders” are already suggesting that he withdraw in time for a more optimistic candidate to run. He should resign! Not only to spare himself, but to spare the nation who has a right to a candidate who firmly believes in the integrity of our electoral processes. Donald has more than amply demonstrated for almost 4 years that he simply does not have the interest or the “skill set” to run an elementary school lost and found, much less a country as complicated as the United States in an hour such as today.

Example one: He has had three years of being told that our national elections were under attack and mostly being being sabotaged by the Russians; and he has had more than 3 years of advice on why we needed a national plan to protect our elections. Instead, he did nothing.

Example two: He did the same “nothing” for the Covid-19 pandemic, contrary to the advice of the world’s best scientists. He had plenty of time to follow their advice and to have shut down the country with the measures and precautions necessary to save lives and the economy. But, he did nothing because that is what he is good at. Doing Nothing! And as a result, far too many people have died unnecessarily, and the economy has tanked as never before.

He does nothing; then he waits for deterioration; and then he declares, “Well things are so bad we’ll just have to let them remain destroyed, and I will have to stay in office until we can figure out what to do to fix things”. This is not leadership. This is deliberate malfeasance and incompetence. It is evil and it is criminal. He should resign and then accept the consequences of the subsequent court litigation that will commence against him immediately for both his pre-Administration civilian illegal activities, and his misconduct and betrayals as a President. These legal actions are, of course, his greatest fears.

So, for now he buys time by appearing on television in front of the country and brazenly making miserable excuses, in an unusually calm and subdued manner, as if his excuses are the only explanations for his “do nothing” administration. But his lame excuses are all lies. Just fabrications to establish a foundation of uncertainty that he can exploit later. Just more diversions to create a scenario to distract from his failure to protect our national health because of his own narrow selfish interests. Lies to get himself re-elected even if thousands more people must die to satisfy his desperate needs.

But this latest Trumpian outrage of denouncing the integrity of our elections (which he has no authority to postpone or cancel) will not work. He has at last gone too far. The country is exhausted with his lies, his betrayals, and his ineptitude. And he has still not learned the simple lesson that actual scientific facts cannot be spun. And he will soon discover that he also can no longer spin the “rules of law”. He is an abysmal failure of competency, and he is also closing in on “stark raving mad” mental status. The country, including Republicans, are finally recognizing that the “emperor” has no clothes.

His attempts to set the country up to buy his claims of a rigged election cannot and will not succeed. He thinks that in time, Bahr and McConnell and Pompeo and other GOP luminaries will get in line with him. They will not. They either want to get re-elected (or avoid the growing taint of continued support of a losing Trump), and they see that getting in line with Donnie is the wrong line to choose.

How fitting that today is the day on which former President Barrack Obama eulogizes John Lewis, a true, modern day, humble, gentle giant hero of democracy, equality and freedom; an unrelenting warrior for a more perfect union; a constant advocate for our country to continue to pursue living up to its promises of justice for all. What a stunning vision of an American hero, John Lewis, for every American voter to see and to contrast with the vision that Donald Trump presents, a picture of a sniveling little coward, trying to destroy our elections; our democracy; our freedoms.

“Walk with the Wind”



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