The News About Ted Cruz

3 min readDec 12, 2020


Maybe Ted Cruz thinks that people perceive him as NOT being part Cuban. Many people like Ted like to pass for something or someone who they are not. But I find it ironic and hypocritical in the extreme that he wanted to be the lead lawyer for the Texas lawsuit claiming that too many fraudulent ballots were cast for the Democrats. That claim was nothing but a lie and a ruse to conceal the real reason that 120+ white Republican federal legislators wanted to erase the votes of millions of Democratic voters, who are mostly people of color, black people in particular. These Republicans think that ANY vote by a black person is a fraud because these racist politicians are thinking with 3/5ths of their brains that they can call black people 3/5ths human.

So half-Cuban Ted prefers to stand with Racist politicians like multi-millionaires Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell who are also against providing any financial assistance to working class Americans who are now standing in food lines and facing evictions. Ted and these white wealthy donor class stooges want to steal back the election they legitimately lost, because with the lost election, they also just lost control of the money train, which will finally be changing direction from Wall street to Main street

I grew up in the 1950s in an ethnically diverse, middle to lower middle-class, Cleveland, Ohio neighborhood and many of my best friends were Irish-Catholic guys. As a kid I happened to have had very red hair and a lot of freckles, and to a great extent many people thought I was Irish Catholic. I was and I am however Jewish, but “me and my buddies” took great delight in “passing me off” as one of their Irish-Catholic crew to the point where I even learned my catechisms better than most of them, who for better or worse, were not always the most well-behaved students in their Catholic schools. Studying too hard rarely interfered with our sports and our messing around.

The lesson for my friends and me at very early ages was to be happy with who we were, even if other folks were stupid enough to hold silly grudges based on even sillier superstitions (conspiracies). That was their problem.

One of my Catholic buddies, who will go unnamed to this day, had a favorite trick of revealing to some of the lesser bright, fringe Wanabees, who wanted to hang out with us that I was in fact Jewish, but “don’t worry”, he would assure them, “You guys are all invited over to Mike’s house for a glass of cool Christian blood.”

Somehow my 13-year-old, Catholic 2nd baseman teammate understood (in 1958 without the benefit of the internet) that his Jewish shortstop partner in double plays (me) was not a part of some international conspiracy of Jewish “drinkers of the blood of Christian babies”. But here in 2020 America, adult members of Congress still think that it is a good idea to appeal to the hard-core supporters of Donald Trump who still want to promote the idea that black people are only 3/5ths human, and therefore their votes should not count.

Venal, craven, unprincipled, disgusting, Anti-American, unacceptable; I do not have the proper words. How is this mind-set still possible?



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