Event Planners Alert: A medal of honor(issued by an objective institution, such as a National Bar or Judicial Association or any Prestigious University…or (in a sane universe, a bipartisan Congressional Medal of Honor”)… to the person, or promoter or impresario, who can organize “a killer” 4th of July, “Live Aid” type of nation-wide, multi-million-person, multi-media, star-studded, demonstration/event (of a lifetime) that pinpoints every GOP’s complicity in this POTUS’ corruption and criminality. I know of a bunch of senior citizens like myself who are ready to volunteer, join up and hit the streets.
Call it “Power to the People” or “Let Freedom Ring, Sing and Shine” or the “Dump Trump Like a Lump on the Stump, 2020 Election Sing a Long Music Celebration”… name it whatever you want. The good people of this country must join together and harness the only energy that can restore the beauty of our “melting pot” unity. Our freedoms and our democracy can best be served (and perhaps not only be served…but saved) by the people ( our everyday, normal citizens binding together) to strengthen our institutions, which are under attack daily by those whose selfishness is totally inconsistent with our basic values and inconsistent with the best interests of our country, our people and our planet.
It remains a mystery of our times that Donald Trump, the obviously weakest and most cowardly President ever, still retains the support of at least 40% of our country…perhaps even the love of this 40%. Maybe someone will one day publish the definitive reasoning for the adoration of this clearly certifiable, unjust, indecent and mean-spirited abuser of trust in the White House.
But until such time, hopefully… by the time this concert/demonstration/event can happen (or has happened)… the Democratic Party will have developed a reasonable slate of November candidates with which to replace the current occupants of the White House…and all those other GOP enablers who support the Continuing Criminal Conspiracy, that is the Trump Presidential Administration. And with a “Concert for Heroes”…We, the People, can stand up and fight for “Doing Right”. Every artist’s act can dedicate their set to one or more of the career men and women who were forced to resign for the principle of “doing right”. Highlight and celebrate each and every one of their sacrifices, from the most well-known Lt. Col. Vindman to the least well known (with their permission). Make them into the true heroes they are and for whom they should also be recognized and celebrated. And in the process of raising them to their rightful hero status, the vividness of the real villains will come into stark contrast.
Bring on every Rock and Roll, Country Western, Rap, Hip Hop, Blues, Rhythm and Blues, Opera, Reggae, Heavy Metal, Orchestral/Classical act etc. etc….from the oldest to the youngest…and let every voice ring out that it is time again for all voices to participate in unison, harmony and mutual respect. That is a message that can be heard around the world…that the United States is getting back on track to start fixing its many domestic problems, which have been ignored or exacerbated during the last three years of the Trump administration…and that in so doing, we are preparing a new generation of leaders who are ready to take a leading role in setting an example for the world… with and for our allies…on how best to address the many challenges for our planet in the 21st century.
Perhaps we should have a contest for the best name submitted for this weekend extravaganza…which will feature a line up which is certain to contain an excess of acts.
Backstage passes for the winner(s)… plus 10 more for their entourage(s).
The free marketing for what is sure to be record breaking attendance will come from the plentiful bounty of video recordings of the Chief Usurpers.
Bill Barr is already seeking to protect his reputation with Doublespeak video galore suggesting that he suddenly has found religion in the face of reams of improper Trump tweets (“making his job impossible”)…and further video of pending Congressional questioning and pending questions from the Roger Stone sentencing Judge, Amy Berman Jackson, the answers to which will be happily and revealingly disclosed by 3 of the 4 withdrawing U S Attorneys, who will want to volunteer their side of the story.
Plus, Donald Trump, in feeling unbounded and unrestrained in the lies and the bile that he can and will continue to tweet…is the marketing gift that keeps on giving…so there will be a continual supply of more rope with which he can hang himself.
Stay tuned.