Removing white supremacy from government institutions; “falling off the delusion wagon.”

3 min readNov 24, 2020


“I now plan to ignore Trump. I leave his fate to our judicial system, his infamy to history, & his legacy to a trash heap.” John Brennan, Former CIA Director (2013–17).

Trump is such a classless POS. We evicted him for not paying the rent for the last 4 years; for doing little but play golf and line his pockets and his donors’ pockets. Now he is an angry evicted tenant getting even with his landlord, (We the People), by trashing the country’s institutions as much as he can as he is being sent on his way; and making life as difficult as possible for the next inhabitant of the Whitehouse, President Joe Biden, a liberal, progressive Democrat.

As he continues to hollow out agencies by firing experienced career experts and replacing them with his own stooges; as he dismantles useful agencies and programs and equipment for (for example) by destroying postal sorting machines; or by destroying uniquely designed good airplanes used for reconnaissance pursuant to a “disfavored” treaty that we have with 30+ other countries to spy for traces of nuclear weapons among our enemies (like Russia), he becomes the most disgraceful and dishonorable public official ever; and God knows what more kind of harm he has caused with his delays for any viable plans for distribution of the newly discovered possible vaccines for Covid-19. We will soon discover the degree of the mess and corruption he has left.

The extent of the mess and corruption that the nihilism, incompetence, and corruption (large and small) that he brought with him 4 short years ago will soon be uncovered in its full, staggering impact. And yes, he still continues his full tilt, tantrum of destruction to the bitter end.

He and all of his racist cronies must be punished for their “traitor like” behavior. Accountability is a key component of a viable democracy. There will be a lot of repair work to do for sure. But when the unprecedented amount of criminality begins to emerge, time and energy must also be devoted for its punishment. Accountability matters. Reckoning must be had.

With regard to the RACISM affecting all aspects of his administration’s misguided non- governance, from national security, to local policing tactics, to all aspects of life, I would like to focus only upon racist VOTER SUPPRESSION. For purpose of this topic, I suggest for more information that you google:

“NAACP lawsuits re racist voter suppression tactics””

You will discover much to be read. I will limit my recommendations to just two links:



“In courts across the country, we have seen repeated attempts to delegitimatize our democracy by trying to disenfranchise Black voters. Throughout this election cycle, NAACP branches and units nationwide have been working to strengthen our collective voice in our democratic process — from registering voters to educating them about different voting methods to fighting voter suppression efforts through litigation and other strategies. Below are a list of cases where the NAACP got involved in order to represent the interests of Black voters, prevent their disenfranchisement, and ensure their ballots are counted and their voices are heard.”

It is time to “fall off the delusion wagon.”



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