Note to American Jewish Voters: 2020 Election is your “Good Judgment Day”
When I observe Donald Trump’s attempts to paint himself as some heroic advocate for the existence of the State of Israel and protector against Anti-Semitism everywhere… this the man who saw good people among the Nazis in Charlottesville…frankly, there is not enough lipstick in the cosmetic supplies of AOC and “her squad” to dress up this Pig. This is the man who first alienated half the somewhat receptive Muslim population of Iran when he tore up the Obama/Iran Nuclear agreement… and then he proceeded to enrage the entire Gulf population with his shortsighted order to assassinate Qassem Soleimani…all the while managing to endanger the world in general and Israel in particular.
With respect to Israel’s supportive comments coming from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and The American Israel Public Affairs Committee in the aftermath of Soleimani’s death, it is important to remember that although Israel has had ample opportunity in the past to act as stupidly as Trump, they never did because they recognized the stature in which Soleimani was held in the Muslim world…and the last thing Israel wanted was to incur further alienation from mainstream Iranians. Moreover, Israel is now officially and sensibly distancing themselves from Trump’s inflammatory action in order to avoid any further provocation… with statements to the effect that “ we (Israel) aren’t the main story here — and it’s good that it (the assassination) happened far away,”.
So, let there be no confusion. Trump’s motives had nothing to do with his desire to help Israel. His motives are always the same for any of his actions or decisions…”How much money can I make; how effectively will my decision distract attention away from my current problems; and how significantly will my loathsomely, self-hating, Obama obsessing, insecure, tiny, little ego be stroked? “
And let us be equally clear about Trump’s “Pro Israel” position. Trump is about as interested in the fate of Israel as he cares about telling the truth…which is zero in both cases. Trump only likes to give the appearance of being Pro Israel because it gains him the evangelical voting bloc, who value Israel as the key to their eternal salvation. And if you do not understand this connection, you need to read up on basic Christian dogma and values, in which the Rapture and Judgment day loom large in the New Testament scriptures.
A summary of those values is the belief that the glory of judgment day can only be ushered in when the State of Israel is thriving under the auspices of the Jewish people of Israel. Judgment Day happens right after the “Rapture” where believers (both alive and deceased) will be caught up to meet Jesus Christ the judge, who will award what is right and just for all Righteous Christians. If you meet the purity test as a righteous Christian, it is on to the glory of Heavenly eternity. Judgement day is also the opportunity for all non-believers (Jews, Muslims, Hindi, Comanchee, Other Infidels, etc. etc….the rest of the world who just happen to have other beliefs) to renounce their heresy and adopt Christian beliefs so they too can be swept up to Heaven. Failure to convert, gets you a one-way ticket elsewhere.
So let us be clear about the motives for all of our Conservative, Republican, Evangelical, Fundamentalist Christians who have such “strong” support for their Jewish brothers and sisters that said support will last right up until they (the Jews) can provide the mechanism for the occurrence of Judgement day…at which point if you ( a Jew) are a non-believer who does not want to renounce your own strongly held religious beliefs, “you can go straight to hell”. As we non-judgmental Jews like to say…”Not much of a choice”. So, let’s not be touting how wonderfully loving Donald and his ilk are… know the rules of the game.
Before you get too super supportive of your admiration of the Pro Israeli positions of the likes of non-believer, Donald Trump, and true believer, Mike Pence, remember that they are really only kissing up to that very strong voting bloc of all those who call themselves evangelicals…those same folks whose only interest in Jews, Muslims, Agnostics, etc. is seeing them all take it in the neck on Judgment day… like all the rest of the infidels!
Them be the rules. Of course, don’t take my word for it. I’m a person who has little use for organized religion, which I believe is more often than not the cause of so much unrest in the world. I am quite content living my life following the golden rule. I wish everyone else would too.
If you did not know before, buy yourself a bible and read up on it.…You will know soon enough! And Vote Wisely in 2020 “Mr. and Mrs. Not 100% Righteous.” It will be your day to show the world your good Judgment.