Nastiness. What is it good for? Absolutely Nothing. Welcome to Decency With Joe and Kamala.
It was encouraging to see the extraordinary amount of positive energy that came from so many people the other day, resulting solely from a mere Vice-Presidential candidate appointment. It gives me hope that decency may yet prevail, and this country can get back on course to providing an equitable and harmonious environment in which our kids and grandkids (and everybody’s grandkids) can thrive and enjoy the kinds of life and possibilities that this country should be able to offer.
What a pleasure it was yesterday to enjoy a news cycle uninterrupted by the stench of the constant stream of hatred emanating from the garbage mouth of the Filth Monger in Chief. I cannot remember a day when I saw so many continuous hours of happy faces of commentators in a row, whose happiness was as much about the exquisiteness of the Kamala Harris choice as it was also of the glimpse of the brighter future. It was a giddiness of an actual election victory preternaturally being felt. I can only imagine the explosion of sheer joy that will cover the airwaves when the Biden/ Harris victory is actually announced. The way in which people could not stop smiling yesterday underscores how much people are just so ready to be happy again, to be done with this awful cloud of nastiness day after unrelenting day that will only cease if and when we rid ourselves of Trump and these other Republican criminals (McConnell, Barr, etc.).
I shudder to think of the possibilities if we do not. The fact that Trump ( who is not the brightest light in the chandelier) may be able to deliberately mess up the post office to the point of ineffectiveness in order to steal the election for himself is as sure a sign that “It CAN happen here” as any “history knowledgeable” person readily realizes. Which is why I am glad to see that ordinary people are aware and that they (we) are doing our part. I hope and expect that our Democratic Representatives are doing their parts as much as we are preparing to vote at the earliest possible moment.
People on Face Book express surprise to me that it took Trump less than 5 minutes after the announcement of Senator Harris as Mr. Biden’s choice for V.P., for him (Trump) to jump into the sewer and start with his nasty tweets. Hell, the only surprise from him would be if he acted with a little grace or dignity befitting a mature, capable leader. But he is literally incapable and unconstitutionally (in the physical and mental sense) fit to generate that type of normal behavior, which is why the country and increasingly more Republicans are tired of his constant bullshit befouling the news cycle. Yesterday’s good news surrounding the Kamala Harris appointment was such a welcome relief; to watch news programs filled with genuinely happy and joyful commentators joyfully celebrating a mere appointment. Can you imagine how great the feelings will be when the Biden Harris victory is actually announced. A return to respect and decency can almost be tasted.
In the meantime, as long as Donald believes that his nastiness is his strongest weapon against “Sleepy Joe”, I hope that Joe’s debate advisors are explaining to him how (as in martial arts,) it is often easy and wise. to use your opponent’s strengths against him.
For example:
I hope that when Biden and Trump are together on the debate stage (so to speak), and when Trump begins any of his nasty name-calling, or his vicious blaming and demeaning, or his plain old despicable lying; that Joe Biden will have the presence of mind to very calmly squelch Donald with the following type of condescension. He should simply say: “Donald” (carefully noting NOT to refer to him as Mr. President for strategic reasons), “Did your Daddy not ever teach you any manners? My God, man. You are the President of the United States. Start acting like you understand what that means”! .That kind of “put down”; that paternalistic reference to his father as his Daddy, will drive him absolutely ballistic; and Biden can use this device over and over again to the same effect, which will elevate Joe and score for him huge points with the electorate; including Donald’s vaunted base who will have a vivid contrast of Joe’s cool leadership under pressure to compare to the adolescent careening and screaming of a Donald in full tantrum.
Donald Trump may think that he can cleverly arrange for the Post Office to be in sufficient disarray to make voting by mail ineffectual; a strategy by which he thinks he can suppress enough “Biden” voters to allow him to steal the election. It will not work. The winds of change are blowing too hard against him. The people will stay in the streets, and our clamor against his obvious and illegal voter tampering and his equally illegal Post Office tampering will reach such a crescendo that even he and his criminal cronies will be forced to back off before they reach the need to slink away in shame (or in handcuffs).
Stay tuned. I predict that the Republic will not only survive; it will rebound and rebuild better than ever on a foundation of Democratic dedication and competency; and with a strong framework of unity, dignity, and equal treatment under the law for everyone. We can look at the day following the historic appointment of Kamala Harris as the Democratic candidate for Vice President (this afternoon), when Joe Biden and his running mate Kamala Harris took the stage in their first campaign speeches together in Wilmington, Delaware, and we can breathe a life affirming, national sigh of relief. In their speeches, they both hit it out of the park.
Two beautiful, hopeful, and positive speeches.
Two wonderful positive inspirations for changes and possibilities in all the right directions.
A better mood for the whole nation is on the horizon.
Vote blue and vote soon.