Mitch McConnell…The oath that he will not honor. Strange Fruit.

3 min readDec 18, 2019

Leadership means leading, not following. It means…not following the ignorance and misunderstanding which is often evident among the constituency that said leader represents. It means educating and bringing light to issues and facts that voters want and need to know to make informed decisions. It means championing the cause of revealing deliberately concealed first hand observations and corresponding testimony of “behind the scenes”, true facts of a presidential administration; it means rescuing hijacked truths of and by an unjustly protected demagogue, who has a proven history of manipulating the truth with record setting lies and disinformation…all for the personal gain of said demagogue…and all to the detriment of the citizens of the United States who he is supposed to be leading. Hiding or obstructing or confusing the truth is NOT leading

There is a huge cost to pay caused by those who protect and facilitate not removing Donald Trump for his many violations and the damages he has caused our country and our national security.

Such willful ignorance by GOP leadership is tantamount to a disloyal vote for our adversaries…a vote for China…a vote for Russia, both of whom will be overjoyed at the prospect of

1. No other countries (former U. S. allies) will be looking to the U.S. for leadership…nor will they want to give us the support that we will so sorely be needing from them as allies

2. Continuing turmoil in US will prevail, if not escalate. There will be little time or energy for the growth of social programs, most of which will stall or halt…such as: No infra structure re-building; no climate control protection for overflowing rivers and coastal waters, droughts, forest fires, chemical pollution, food shortages, etc.

3. Our economy will soon stall as the aforementioned policies/remedies stall.

4. There will only be time and energy to unravel more and more Trump screwups for the next years…and probable continued criminal conduct at the highest level.

For further information describing the prospects of another four years of Donald Trump, refer to his own words in his Pre-Impeachment “letter” to the Country…for a taste of days to come with a newly energized Trump administration…because words matter.

Especially those words that flow from the pedestal of the presidency, a pedestal that once enshrined these words with the kind of authority and prestige to inspire and assure a citizenry to join together in a positive, forward moving spirit… to continue our efforts to form a more perfect union. References to truth, justice, unity, compassion sacrifice and freedom…these were all Presidential speech themes…of encouragement to strive to “reach our better angels.”

We came to expect of our leaders such leadership for ourselves and the rest of the world.

Unfortunately, our Pedestal has been kidnapped, hijacked and poisoned by a GOP “leadership”, that is leading in the exact wrong direction.

This formal 6 page Presidential letter is unfortunately an incoherent rant of bitterness, name calling, lying and hatefulness. It is more unfortunately a predictor of the environment that our GOP leaders have helped to create and seem intent on sustaining for the coming “daily reality and daily environment” in which our children are to be raised.

Let’s give a special “shout out”, reminder, to Mitch McConnell, the Senate Majority leader for the state of Kentucky, the state that wins the first-place prize for the state with the most lynchings between 1866 and 1940 …more than 250 (approx.). This is a man who has announced that he does not understand his oath to be impartial. This is a man who does not understand that our Democracy is still the envy of the world. It remains the envy of the world because we, the citizens of the United States, believe that everyone’s vote counts!

A president who tries to steal an election or a Senator who discourages voting rights for all citizens, are not worthy of the support they once received. They deserve to be removed from office.

# Mitch McConnell leadership. # Not exactly witch hunts.

Strange Fruit Indeed!



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