Mail tampering; smashing, gnashing, and dismantling

3 min readAug 14, 2020

The most vile, lying public figure in recent history, our President Donald Traitor Trump, is busy trying to steal one of our most precious rights, our right to vote and our right to control our government; by defunding and dismantling (smashing gnashing and dismantling) one of our most foundational, cherished and necessary institutions, the Post Office, so that many of our citizens, who will have great difficulty voting during a dangerous pandemic; unless they are able to vote by mail and vote him out of office, which is obvious to everyone what will happen, including our tin horn tough guy who is stupid enough (and therefore dangerous enough) to think that he can get away with acting like a real gangster with threats that expose his willingness to hurt anyone and anything who dares to tell him just how consistently he is wrong about every issue. Only a person who is epically ignorant of our history, of our paramount focus to protect the vote and the role that the post office plays, would choose to subvert its operations at a time when he, as a leader, should be taking every step to improve its operations so more people will be able to vote knowing they will not have to endanger their health by exposure. That he is subverting the values of millions of concerned citizens deliberately in favor of his own selfish interests is an unprecedented abdication of his duties, a betrayal of the highest order. Unconscionable.

As horrible, Un-American and corrosive his behavior is; how ever much his behavior confirms the Lincoln Project’s motto that everything this puny little phony “touches turns to shit”, what is even worse is the disgusting cowardice and greed of every GOP “leader”, all of whom are too chickenshit to rein in this desperate ignoramus who is daily ruining the lives of thousands of our people just to hide from the various criminal charges awaiting him once he loses his “Presidential immunity”. At least Trump has an excuse. The GOP sleaze balls have no excuses. They have sold their honor and integrity of patriotic public service for buckets full of financial perks and the perks of power. Always, pure unbridled greed. For shame.

Like many of us I am frustrated, and I feel helpless as I watch this train wreck proceed inexorably toward a fascistic state. I have read as much as possible, and I have listened to the experts to see what can be done to stop him. It does not appear that there are many tools in the legal system by which we can prevent him in time from destroying the Post Office’s ability to provide sufficient operations to preserve and deliver everybody’s right to vote by mail. For now, the only timely answer seems to be civil protests which is why I am writing this article. And I will continue writing this same article a thousand more times with the same title, “Wrong, Wrong, Wrong”; until my rants either become unnecessary; or I myself become unnecessary because I have been incarcerated; or better yet, I am unnecessary because the whole rotten gang of GOP’s are being swept from office

For now, I am off to join the nearest street demonstration I can find protesting President Asshole’s obscene attack on our voting rights, and I will also contact as many of my likeminded/fair minded friends to join me in the streets or on line until enough pressure is brought to bear on this little “Jerk in Chief” so that he finally realizes that it is better for him to back off of his wrong doing so that he can at least slink off in shame, rather than slink off in hand cuffs.

At a time during which the greatest recognition for the need for social change has emerged since the 1960s, our “out of tune” President and his complicit GOP back up singers are flailing to retain the last vestiges of White Supremacy, a philosophy which, on balance, has been and is our most profound mistake. It cannot continue.

See you in the streets. It is time to take out the trash.

