Joe Has a Biden Moment, Not a His Best Look
I like Joe Biden. For a 75-year-old man, he is in great physical shape. He may not win a 50-yard dash against Mayor Pete, but he’s got a smoother looking stride than the Mayor, who does not resemble a prototypical athlete of any age.
Much is being made about Joe’s recent television moment in which he showed some uncommon emotion and fight, while chiding (shouting down) a voter who accused him about the cronyism, which seemingly attended the $600,000 annual pay his son secured from Burisma, the Ukraine energy company. Joe’s supporters are delighted, because they declare that Joe demonstrated to the voting public that in a Trump world this righteous anger is just the mettle that he needs to deal with Trump one on one.
With all due respect to the Vice President for whom I have the greatest respect and admiration…maybe he did show some righteous emotion. But, let’s consider that his reaction also may have sounded a bit too scripted (and poorly scripted at that)…and more than a bit inappropriate. Reality counts, and his response demonstrates two problems that Joe and the Democrats have.
1. Hunter’s job is a genuine issue…an issue that Joe’s people have known for ages. Hunter’s job does, in fact, create the appearance that Daddy got him a cushy job…that access to Joe might have been for sale. So why did Joe’s staff NOT have Joe 100% prepared with a perfect response ( of which there are several possibilities)and all of which could have converted this negative situation into a positive response by Joe…much better than his less than lofty “You’re a Damn Liar!!” retort.
2. Unlike Nancy Pelosi, who has the poise and the natural ability to respond, on the fly and under pressure with grace and cool to address any issue head on and accurately, Joe still flounders. Among the Democratic candidates Joe is the least able to demonstrate the ability to be quick on his feet…and this is a major deficiency.
I am sorry, but If Joe supporters think that this recent display is going to gain voter support by showing that he can “out macho” Donald Trump, they are sadly mistaken.
My greater concern is that in a Trump World, which I would now define as a well-recognized world of “ ineptitude and corruption”, the Democrats have still yet to show a candidate who is qualified to soundly beat Trump in the general election. Each candidate seems to be flawed is some major way that leaves them vulnerable; seems to be disqualified in one way or another as easy targets for the fuselage of negativity that Trump will surely unleash.
However, there are two candidates (who I will not name), who with their bland personae, seem to have fewer obvious flaws, which could be endlessly branded and exploited by Trump to Loserdom… than the rest of the field.
These two candidates are currently both low in the polls. They are both relatively young, sufficiently experienced, demonstrably smart, progressive but fiscally responsible, and they both have other good qualities which can be built upon. Their blandness may actually be to their advantage…because they have no major flaws that can be exploited to death by Trumpian “scorched earth” attacks. They are not too far to the left to be branded “Socialists”; they are not too old to be branded slow or weak; and they are not without solid resumes’ so as to be brandable as inexperienced. And they both have the genuine experience and the quickness of mind to outwit Donald “one on one” any day of the week…and twice on Sunday.
But they both need the services of some kind of “makeover artist”…not major stuff…but enough to punch up their “pizzazz factor”…or to infuse them with a little more personality or charisma. It is not that they do not have enthusiasm and passion… and wit and charm…but they are missing something. Don’t take my word for it. Look at their numbers around 2%.
If their “people” can figure out that “thing” that they are missing…building them up may be smarter for the Dems than going with the front runners, who still have enough unalterable areas of exposure to make them very vulnerable.
I am still waiting for a Winning Democratic Candidate to Emerge.