Good News and Bad News All Rolled into One Headline
“This is the Last Election for Old White Men Control”
Rumor has it that Donald Trump is upset that getting impeached will tarnish The Trump good name, an oxymoron if ever one existed. Lack of respect has always been a source of sadness for him. He never was accepted as a legitimately successful businessman by New York society, and the rumors that Russia won him his presidency, fueled in him an absolute denial that shows just how extensively he is psychologically compromised. This impeachment will not do anything to improve his mental health…and if he is not removed from office, we will all have to suffer through the next nine months of him acting out
Let’s get Real… before we all get too soft and wet for Donald’s delicate feelings of rejection. Let’s remember that he would have been far less rejected if he was not such an awful, low character person. He is a victim of his own vileness. He never would have been disrespected in the first place if it were not for the fact that he is truly and (possibly) congenitally a rotten creature to the core. How else to explain a lifetime of misconduct and moral transgressions that are so beyond the pale that were it not for his money he would be certifiable. As it is, he really is nothing more than a piece of garbage dressed in an expensive suit.
From charity fraud to concentration camps for children, his indecency as a human being has long since in excruciating detail pre-dated this impeachment and corruption. The true tragedy of our times is not his corruption, which was so easily foreseeable from his densely documentable history. It is the willingness of one major political party to adopt as their standard his model of corruption… instead of a model of our most cherished institutions for freedom, justice and equality.
These times are a shameful chapter in our history….and the end of this chapter has still not yet quite been written. But impeachment is a good start, albeit an insufficient one at best. Proportionality requires that Donald and the whole lot of his administration (including but not limited to: Mitch McConnell, Bill Barr, Lindsey Graham, Mike Pence, Mike Pompeo, Mick Mulvaney, Rudi Giuliani …and whomever else I left out like Nunes, Jordan and Collins, et al) should all (quite frankly) be tarred and feathered and driven out of town on a rail…at the least . When the suffering rendered and the waste created by this crew are finally measured…(during which time these obstructionists did nothing but while away the time with endless excuses)…any fair-minded witnesses will judge their behavior as “cringe worthy, avert your eyes and try not to wretch” misconduct.
It comes down to choosing…the blood and honor and patriotism and sacrifice of loyal career public servants… versus the venal job security for a bunch of willfully blind, do nothing, time, money and energy wasting, Russian loving, money grubbing, selfishly disloyal to their oaths, complicit Republican, Trump inner circle supporters
I wouldn’t trust a one of the latter to babysit my grandchildren. They are all straight up phonies, through and through.
This is not a time to be clever or witty in our criticism of this moment. Because this is anything but a small moment. Mitch has totally misstated his oath of office. He is leading the way knowingly to violate his duty of impartiality…and each of the complicit GOPS who have announced that they too are in lock step with the President in violating their oaths to weigh the evidence of wrong doing thoroughly and fairly have chosen their side of history They have announced that they endorse a rigging of our system of justice. They are the only ones who do NOT recognize that the day of antique old white men (young and old) monopolizing control over the affairs of state are finished. It is their misfortune that they cannot understand that the for the sake of the world, evolution has dictated that Women and People of Color will forever forward have a seat at the table.
For those who cannot or will not get on board…who think that they can stop the forward progress of history…Russia and other totalitarian “white supremacy type societies” are certainly an option.
The rest of us will be busy here at home forming a more perfect union.