Never before and hopefully never again will the American public witness such insanity coming from a sitting President of the United States.
Last night the President of the United States on a nationally televised interview spent one hour making statement after pronouncement of objectively verifiable outrageous dangerous lies, ridiculous evasions, and unhinged, insulting, insane theories. At a transformative time in the history of our Republic, the POTUS performed a one hour act which by any other person would justify an immediate 3-day psychiatric hold to prevent the occurrence of a danger to himself and others ( the others in this case being the entire population of the world wide audience).
Where are the voices of reason from the upper echelons of our federal government who are constitutionally ordained to protect our national security? Where are the voices of reason from the GOP Senators who are supposed to say “enough” of a lunacy that is a clear and present danger to our country and to the world. It is impossible to ignore the horror of the performance which we all just witnessed. Unless some responsible leaders step forward and declare that the POTUS is not in his right mind, we can look forward to a national debacle the likes of which this country has never seen.
My God, if your own mother or your funny old uncle spoke such nonsense, such gibberish, such unhinged idiocy you would have the men in the white suits carry him off to the funny farm in a straitjacket lickety-split… all the more reason why Donald Trump needs to be restrained and kept away from a camera or a microphone or a telephone so he cannot infect the consciousness of too many gullible people who are ready to be swayed by the world’s most influential bully pulpit; and ready to take up arms to defend a series of paranoid, insane conspiracies encouraged by a desperately delusional POTUS who would prefer to use his office to promote a “dis-informational, mis-directional, distraction theory”, the new favorite of our “stable genius in Chief”, the soon to be popular Q Anon, the “Trump Base” “rai·son d’ê·tre”, that there is a world-wide group of dangerous actors and celebrities who are pedophiles and who drink the blood of children in order to conduct some kind of pedophilia sexual slavery ring.
If this is not evidence of “Crazyville on steroids”, then our country is beyond redemption, and I am a monkey’s uncle.
I decided to wait until today, after one day of sober reflection, to digest and fairly evaluate Donald Trump’s sweaty, small-minded, desperate, and delirious dance with lunacy. The only fair-minded conclusion to be drawn is that the POTUS needs to be restrained. Nothing that comes out of his mouth is trustworthy; nothing is close to what a leader of the Free World should be saying ever, (including his recomendation of a Supreme Court Justice to replace Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg), especially at this time in our history.
It would be helpful if the remainder of Trump supporters who have any degree of Integrity or common sense within their souls open their eyes and declare unequivocally that what they too just witnessed was the pure lunacy of a man who is so desperate that he will say or do anything that may save him from the reckoning that he knows is rapidly approaching.
We are way beyond “enough is enough”.