Donald Trump is not going to leave office voluntarily

5 min readJun 12, 2020


Democratic Presidential Nominee, Joe Biden, is correct. So is Bill Maher.

Donald Trump is not going to leave office voluntarily.

Even if he loses the November election in every State, it is entirely possible that our “Excuse Maker in Chief” will claim that the majority of the results are suspect. He will point to the recent election fiasco in Georgia and he will scream rigged, botched or a combination of both for any number of states that suit his fancy. Such a possibility assumes, of course, that we even have elections, because I can only assume that our” Cheater in Chief” has any number of “experts” already busy at work devising scenarios in which he as a “stable genius, superhero” will have no other choice but to cancel the elections for “the good of the country”.

Before you dismiss the possibilities of such ugly scenarios seeing the light of day, allow me to refer you to the Judicial reviews of Bill Barr’s Justice Department’s handiwork with respect to his utterly baseless arguments for a “scenario” in which General Michael Flynn, as National Security Adviser to the President of the United States is represented as an innocent man. This was an insane representation made to the entire world in a cold hard, manner, under “color of United States Governmental Authority. It was also a massive fraud, a work of fantasy perpetrated by an intelligent, presumably sane, Attorney General, who like his boss exhibits the same psychopathic tendencies, tendencies best described by Tony Schwartz, the ghost writer of Trump’s best seller, “The Art of the Deal”, a man who has known and studied the Psychopath in Chief for over 40 years:

“Imagine — if you can — not having a conscience, none at all, no feelings of guilt or remorse no matter what you do, no limiting sense of concern for the well-being of strangers, friends, or even family members. Imagine no struggles with shame, not a single one in your whole life, no matter what kind of selfish, lazy, harmful, or immoral action you had taken … You can do anything at all, and still your strange advantage over the majority of people, who are kept in line by their consciences, will most likely remain undiscovered. How will you live your life? What will you do with your huge and secret advantage?”

And also, Tony asks,

“How do we deal with a person whose core impulse in every part of his life is to deny, deceive, deflect, disparage, and double-down every time he is challenged? And what precisely is the danger such a person poses if he also happens to be the leader of the free world, during a crisis in which thousands of people are dying every day, with no letup in sight?”

We have already seen plenty of evidence of unprecedented, unbelievable conduct that prior to the introduction of pure, Trumpian sleaze and slime into our understanding of Presidential conduct, were thought to be impossible. I refer to escapades such as blackmail in the Ukraine, abandonment to certain death of our Kurdish allies in Syria; the snatching of children from the arms of innocent, asylum seeking brown skinned, Central American mothers, and the list goes on.

Now tell me how unlikely is he to attempt something crazy…like cancelling the elections.

Consider one of Donny’s recent utterance where (I am paraphrasing) he proudly declares that

“Using military like force to cut through peaceful protesting American Citizens, like a knife through butter, is a beautiful thing”. This is the type of vile noise that we can continue to expect from our former “marketing maven”, who has long since lost his touch with the mood of the country, while he has also most definitely lost his mind. A desperately bitter, little man who knows that he is about to lose his bid for re-election believes that his only choice is to continue his now tired and transparent strategy of expressing his most vile thoughts as a means to distract attention away from his failures on every front; from the wreckage that he has wrought on every issue facing our country.

His words mean nothing. They are only worth monitoring and noting in the context that they may result in immediate action of the clear and present danger type. We must watch his actions, especially those that he is trying to conceal the most.

I can only hope that our intelligence community is busy story-boarding solutions to as many bizarre and crazy scenarios as they can anticipate or replicate of a very fevered brain’s versions of “How, I Donald Trump, tricked, manipulated and cheated my way into another four years as President of the United States”.

Chaos runs amok throughout the land.

It is a deliberate chaos let loose by an uncaring and an inept President whose interest in such chaos serves only to benefit his personal concerns, not those of the country.

The failure to manage this chaos; the continuing noise and disorder on all other issues are all in the interest of a corrupt and desperate President, who is willing to go to any lengths to stay in power, including ignoring the obvious will of the majority of the American people, evidence of which is overwhelmingly against him being re-elected.

He is that dastardly and more.

Get ready to watch, in particular, the outrage of his planned rally on June 19 in Tulsa, Oklahoma, a place chosen by him, not coincidentally, where approximately 99 years ago America was shaken by one of its deadliest acts of racial violence. You will see and hear no conscience, no compassion, no empathy. Just deliberate, inflammatory misdirection, filled with sound and fury, signifying nothing…but anger, divisiveness and confusion. You will see an event that can also be described as a Trumpian breeding ground for Covid-19. Who cares how many people get offended or how many people get sick? Certainly not Donald.

I have ideas on how he should be extracted from office, but my idea of a crane to lift a 250 pound mass of useless protoplasm probably will not fly. I want to hear from the experts about what their plans are exactly. What is the legal basis? What are the actual “on the ground” mechanics? It is not enough as Vice President Biden simply states that “military aides will remove him with dispatch”. Detailed plans with diagrams would be helpful!

If they have no such plans, I hope that when the Trump “Brown Shirts” come to arrest me, I can be assigned to share a cell with Bill Maher. I hear the Feds have a new policy that recognizes that certain inmates can use their medical marijuana cards.



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