Donald Trump, duly elected President of the United States is a Pervert, an Abomination and a Criminal. I choose my words carefully.
It is long past the time to be clear with our words in order to best be able to identify and remedy our problems in the Age of Covid-19.
The manner in which this terrible, tragic Pandemic has been handled by this Presidency will define the 2020 election. The lies that have been exposed will determine this election one way or the other. Some will believe Donald Trump’s assertions that his administration responded as quickly, responsibly and as effectively as possible to minimize death and suffering and to minimize economic devastation. Democrats will argue the exact opposite. Even as Donald Trump is busy purging the government from truth speaking staff, from experienced good advisors, and from cutting off the flow of reality, the question of who will prevail is still a close call.
Donald Trump is a pervert because by definition he is a person who alters, distorts or corrupts our plain understanding or our plain definitions of our core values from their original meanings or from what was originally first intended. Meaning by way of example “I accuse him of conspiring to pervert some of our most foundational values like truth, justice, freedom, courage, duty and honor”.
He is an abomination as in a thing or person that causes disgust or hatred and/or is considered to be an obscenity or a disgrace.
He is a criminal in more than just the sense that he is a person who is punishable by the state. We are discussing a person whose misconduct is undertaken with the knowledge that it can create significant harm to other people’s or other institution’s health, finances or rights. An example of its use in a sentence, “He is a criminal who stole (took without my permission) my money and my life-saving medicine.”
Every day Donald is provided the opportunity and the honor to do his duty to protect, by informing the public of the facts concerning the Covid-19 Pandemic. Instead we are subjected to his onslaught of gibberish that taints, subverts and perverts the dignity of the office of the Presidency of the United States. These performances are abominable.
And they are criminal because the deliberate lies and half-truths he spews are the cause of harm, in the form of death and suffering in numbers, currently in the tens of thousands, destined to reach the hundreds of thousands. The cost in dollars is in the trillions.
His phony assertions, revisionist histories, his claims of perfect, faultless behavior are not supported by facts. And all the spin in the world will not change the facts of a virus that is unspinnable.
Here is the crux of the matter. Donald Trump was well provided with information on numerous occasions and on a continual basis from not only his own advisers, but from other sources as well prior to January 1, 2020. He was informed that there was a danger that this virus could spread rapidly. This information warned that immediate action by the national government to combat it was recommended. Although as POTUS it was his duty to take the necessary steps to act to protect the country, he deliberately chose to downplay this information in the hopes that maybe it was wrong, and it would go away. It was his conscious choice to suppress evidence of a problem that might depress his popularity in the polls. He gambled that this epidemic might go away quickly before it might negatively affect his popularity. He gambled with the lives of all the people who are now dying. As is his pattern he gambled with other peoples’ money and other peoples’ lives, not his own.
The Covid-19 is not Donald Trump’s first encounter with negligent homicide Ask any of our fellow citizens from Puerto Rico; or any of our Kurdish allies in Syria; or any Ukrainian soldiers on watch on the Russian border; or any Central American asylum-seeking child now residing in cages along our southern border. Ask any of them how they feel about this President’s attitude toward the suffering of others.
We are an imperfect country of people striving to form a more perfect union. We know what our Bedrock values are, and we hope to elect leaders who will help us maintain those values. Donald Trump’s daily performances are very clear exercises in propagandizing intended to pervert and subvert the truth, a truth that Donald Trump has all his life continued to try to suppress. That truth is that what is beneath all the glitter and bravado that he works so hard to project as an image of a successful and competent business leader, there lies a very insecure, average person of limited capacity to succeed in any endeavor without resorting to cheating.
I applaud all the journalists and all the Democrats (from top to bottom) who continue to speak truth to power. However, they must speak much louder and more clearly. No more dodging the real issue, which is that Donald Trump is not and never was or never will be a person who knows how to be a leader.
What this crisis has exposed is that there is no length to which Donald will not go to conceal this sad fact of his life. The question is how many more people will have to die before the world realizes ( or perhaps until the world cares) that he will continue wasting the world’s time as long as he thinks that he can get away with his ACT that he has relied on all of his life.
It is time for everyone who has a larger loudspeaker than my tiny megaphone to declare loudly and clearly. “Enough. Shut it down!”