Days of rage (Donald) and days of cowardice (GOP Senators)

5 min readDec 8, 2020


I like Kentucky as much as any other state. I am also from Ohio, so they are a neighbor. I like the fact that they gave us Kentucky Fried Chicken, the Derby and of course Wild Turkey Bourbon. I will even let them claim some of our sports teams from Cincinnati right across the river. But one thing they have that I do not like is Mitch McConnell. This ancient, white relic, hypocrite, rich guy, whose major millions came from his wife’s family, enhanced by his insider status in the Senate, renders him totally out of touch with working folks, whose suffering families he could not give a shit about. He and Trump, and their war against poor people and people of color has got to go. If you still support either one of them, you are either

1. A racist

2. A person (I am sorry to say) who is too easily fooled, or

3. A very rich person making big bucks off of their (GOP)tax policies

There are no other choices.

McConnell has been ruining the country for the last 12 to 16 years, and guess what? Nobody except a bunch of people from Kentucky voted for him, which they did because he has been able to do the Kentuckians fairly good.

But for the rest of us, not so good. I do not know how this morally bankrupt stooge rose through the ranks to be able to single-handedly block the Senate from voting on any bill he chooses…, but he did, and he damn sure was never elected to be President. What I do know is that he has been blocking financial assistance to tens of millions of people who need it right now because of Covid-19; and who have been needing it for years prior. On the other hand, Mitch had no trouble pushing Trump’s 2017 tax bill to be voted upon, which was touted as a bill to help the “middle class”, but it was in fact a bill that helped to slip almost two trillion dollars into the hands of their “already too wealthy Republican donors”, otherwise known as the upper 1% of the elite wealth owners in this country (who control about 90% of our country’s money), leaving the other 99% of us to struggle trying to get by on the leftover 10% crumbs.

If you are among the 99% of those who are struggling, here is a news flash that you need to know.

Mitch McConnell and Donald Trump are NOT your friends. And neither are Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue, senatorial candidates for possible election in Georgia this January 5th, 2021. The lot of them are more interested in enriching themselves and their wealthy elite friends than they care about helping you.

These phony Con Artists tell you that they are like you, victims of Democrat elitists, who want to steal the American dream. They claim that these Democrat “liberal, radical bad guys” want to change everything. Kelley keeps repeating this invective like some stuck robot. Yes, the Democrats want to change the laws… so that the rest of hard working Americans can also participate in the American dream, which these rich bastards are living for themselves, while trying to keep it from you!

As President Biden would say, “Here’s the Deal” on why Kelley and David are also a part of the problem.

Trump claims he is worth 4 billion dollars (although probably much less than even one billion) despite the fact that he inherited 400 million from Daddy some 53 years ago when he was just 21, after which he got busy trying to cheat himself to MORE wealth, so he could keep himself well stocked in gold plated toilet seats.

David Perdue’s family net worth is estimated at $3.2 billion. But that amount was not enough for him, which is why he became entangled in the illegal insider trading scheme for which he is being investigated, and now he is too afraid to even debate for fear of stuttering about his disgaceful corruption.

Kelley Loeffler actually had to do a little work for her 800 million but basically she married into it. She is an attractive robot, who keeps repeating and assigning the same fear mongering epithet to her opponent, (“radical liberal who is an agent of change, who won’t protect the American dream”). She is not interested in understanding that the change he wants to bring is a change in the laws to allow for more people to have the opportunity to participate in the “American Dream”.

And then there is Mitch, who inherited only 60 million from his mother-in-law, and compared to the others has an inferiority complex, which is mostly why he is their stooge and not on the side of working folks…because the rich pay better.

You can be sure that these four “representatives” do not have any rent or mortgage worries.

And they sure as hell don’t want to change any laws that may spread a little of their wealth around to some other less fortunate folks who may need an extra $900 to make the rent. They already got theirs. A lot of theirs, and they cannot spare an extra $1200 in stimulus payments, which Mitch is blocking…and they cannot stand up and speak out for working families, because they fear that Donald’s supporters will not like them. Real hard working people are suffering. Soup lines are their fate. For shame.

The only way to change things is to elect a Democratic majority in the Senate so Mitch McConnell can no longer be able to block fair laws to get working folks some of the money that is currently being shoveled toward the rich folks. The way to get a senate majority is to have the two Democratic candidates in Georgia elected to the Senate. It is that simple. Tell all your friends in Georgia to vote for Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock. That is when the government will start working for EVERYONE. The government is not the enemy. The enemy are the rich racists who are controlling the government and who do not want to give up control. It is time for a change

PS: The facts and figures cited herein are approximate, but definitely documentable from reliable sources. Do a little Google homework. And you will understand. Do not believe the baseless lies constantly spouted by the spineless Republican Senators. They have a sophisticated disinformation machine. They use social media to saturate and amplify horrible lies which poison and distort the public discourse .

Do not allow these lies to stick to you. Do your homework; get the facts. The rich have kept getting richer and you have been getting poorer for the last 50 years because of these lies. Get the facts so that a more equitable distribution of wealth can start happening NOW.



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