Enough already. This spectacle should no longer be parodied, spoofed or made fun of. Have we not seen enough already? How much more money must be wasted? How many more people must die unnecessarily? How much more interference will we allow one man to retard the country’s ability to safely and effectively repair the damage to our national health and our national economy. The misinformation he spins is a clear and present danger to many people who are still foolish enough to have any faith in his credibility.
Does he not look at the tapes of his “performances”. He is in crazy town. “Injecting people with disinfectant?” he suggests may be a good way to protect against this virus. My God! Even the manufacturers of Lysol had to issue a statement telling people to ignore the President, as did all Doctors, whose only comments were that such injections could be fatal.
Please, someone tell me what is the official procedure to shut this guy up. Can we please get this evil, little man out of the way? We don’t need an “out of touch” President standing at a national podium defending his desperate suggestions that “everything is going to be O.K.”; that he is there just to be “presenting talent” or presenting “”ideas”. No Donald, that is not your job. You, as the American President, a man who came from a life of privilege; who never had to worry one day ever about how to pay the rent; you should not be spouting madness… people might be listening to your nonsense…and then die.
He must be censured, ostracized by Democrats and Republicans alike, ignored by the press and the public; and kicked to the curb, where as retired CIA Chief John Brennan suggested, “He can take his rightful place as a disgraced demagogue in the dustbin of history.”
One man is the problem. One man is retarding the country’s ability to safely and effectively repair the damage to our national economy, which will not be fixable until the dangers of the Covid-19 Pandemic are properly contained as per the guidance and advice of the national scientific team headed by Dr. Anthony Fauci, whose methods and recommendations are supported by every well respected scientific, medical and public health official in the country. Only one man stands in the way.
Time is wasting, as every minute passes.