Can a Crime Boss Win in 2020?
If the picture of the 2020 State of the Union “Pep Rally”, complete with door prizes and a “mob” of mesmerized United States Senators doing their best imitation of moronic and/or rabid Red Hats … chanting “4 more years” in true sycophantic syncopation…while lapping up record breaking streams of lies like a bunch of thirsty, well trained “German Shepherds, wasn’t a new low in soiling the reputation of a formerly dignified Institution… then the next day vote to acquit Donald Trump certainly was (a new low). My junior high school student council of many years ago showed more class and more intelligence than this entire weak group of mealy mouthed, excuse-making, cowardly, suck-ups… embarrassments all… to the world… except Mitt Romney. To his credit, Mitt Romney, the sole Republican to vote for conviction, showed true class and integrity…and courage to vote his conscience and in so doing, he made a speech for the ages describing perfectly and in detail the depth and the breadth of the President’s pre meditated and well-orchestrated criminality, which should have shocked the conscience of every one of those weak kneed…soon to be former Senators.
Quite frankly, with the exception of Romney’s speech, the entire 2 day extravaganza was an exercise in unwatchable, cringe worthy performances worthy at best of Banana Republics and other non-democratic governments.
If it was not clear before the State of the Union “Rally”, the contrasts between the parties demonstrates just how dangerous another 4 years of Trump will be. Perhaps you noticed all those cheering, happily prosperous white folks, who just happen to represent a whole bunch of white voters, who think that they too are happily prosperous… because “Dear Leader, “Donnie tells them that the stock market (in which they own no stocks) is at record highs. It boggles the mind (of a normally intelligent and honorable person) that the President of the United States can stand up in front of America and its elected representatives and just lie and lie and lie (his fool head off)…as he has done all his life… and all these old, white fat cats just nod their heads in approval …signaling to their voters…”Yes, He is our hero and savior”. “Did he not just quote you all the statistics on how well you are doing?” “Are you not duly impressed?”… even though you remain stuck in the mud scratching your head for the last 50 years trying to figure out how to pay your bills out of your “wealth” of statistical prosperity”
And herein lies the rub.
The prospect of another four years of an unrestrained criminal Presidential Administration, complete with the likes of Barr and Pompeo… and a group of sycophantic Senators unwilling to constrain…but quite willing to endorse another (God forbid) Supreme Court Justice nominee… should be enough to scare the hell out of the Democratic National Committee to get their act together, but quick. Because despite a quite capable group of candidates, I fear that they all have individual vulnerabilities that may allow even a severely damaged Trump to prevail in the 2020 election. My question is: “Is there not enough independent consultative intellectual power available to the DNC to create some overriding “co-operative” marketing advice for all of these candidates as a unit…so that any one of them is totally prepared…and totally invulnerable to the “no holds barred assault” likely to come.
For example. Joe Biden is correct in (constructively) criticizing Bernie Sanders that he cannot win if he continues to describe himself as a “Democratic Socialist”. I am not picking on Bernie, whose political views, I happen to share. I just want to make sure that if he becomes the nominee, he wins. But, given the attitude or the “emotional temperature” (in general) of the country’s entire electorate, it is very possible that a majority of voters may be willing to accept a Crime Boss as President ( because they think that they’re sharing in the prosperity that the upper 10% is getting ). They may want to choose a Crime Boss versus a Socialist, because they have been “brainwashed” into thinking that the “Socialist” is the demon, the enemy, the cause of their problems.
Would it not be better for Bernie to market himself as an “enlightened capitalist”, who is defined as a capitalist who incorporates some of the best values of our historically successful socialistic programs like Medicare, Social Security, etc. etc. ad moderation and ad acceptance…if he wants to win.
Except for those hardcore anti-abortionist whose deeply held and highly principled beliefs makes them unwavering in their support of Trump, I believe that there are a good many of the rest of the Base who are less strident about “right to life issues”… and gun control issues. There are many people among this Base who are hard working decent folks who are deeply offended by a cheating and selfish President…who would be willing to bend a little on their issues and reject an unworthy President…if they could be convinced to see a reasonable alternative…an alternative who they do not perceive as a Socialist…cum radical, communist, “flame throwing revolutionary”. A little practical moderation from Bernie could go a long way…and it will not cost him one existing supporter… and it may gain him a whole lot more new ones.
I could go on and on like this for the other Democratic candidates as well… any one of whom I would prefer to see win instead of Trump. Hell, I would vote for a ham sandwich over Trump…except I am a starting to try a vegan diet. Like I say, there are many flaws that the other candidates must correct if they want to beat Trump…or any other Republican nominee… in the event Trump’s lawsuits start exploding against him this summer…in which case he may become so hobbled that even he cannot yell and scream and cheat himself into another nomination.
More on that later. I have to get to work