Being Putin’s Bitch Is Also Grounds for Impeachment: Ask a Real Billionaire

5 min readNov 9, 2019


I had never thought much of Donald Trump, the private citizen. And then, when he was surprisingly elected as POTUS, I was forced to think of him more. And by that, I mean, the more his omnipresence forced me to think of him…the less I thought of him…as a decent human being.

Fast forward 1000 plus days, and you (and I) cannot watch the Impeachment proceedings and read the observations of “Anonymous” in particular and other commentators in general without ominous feelings of horror more intense than any Academy Award suspense/horror thriller you have ever seen. The depth and the breadth of amorality and indifference revealed is palpably shocking to the nervous system.

So, the question comes down to: Who are these GOP men who continue to suck up before this lunatic, who has publicly humiliated them time after time; who has publicly bullied and insulted their manhood, their families and their legacies? Who are these men who want to be elected to our U S Congress, who want to be respected as men of honor; men of integrity? Are they totally blind to the disrespect, to the complete disgust with which they cover themselves with their obsequious behavior? Lunacy is not nearly adequate to describe the behavior to which they cowardly sacrifice their honor and their integrity.

So, what are the people of goodwill who oppose this POTUS to do. How do we rid ourselves of this scourge who still maintains this mysterious hold .We are told to keep it simple? “Branding” we are told in the age of Social Media is the key to grabbing and maintaining the attention of the electorate…and focusing it upon the issues and candidates we want them to vote for. KISS means “keep it simple, stupid”. Short, key phrases to explain and connect. For example:

1. Transgressions (impeachable violations)

a. Abuse of power

b. Betrayal of trust

2. Kitchen Table Issues

a. Your Income Taxes Have Increased

b. Your Health Care Costs Have Increased

c. Your Wages Remain Stagnant

Here is my prediction. When Donnie’s taxes are uncovered, they are going to be messy…hard to understand. But not that hard. The public will be able to confirm in clear understandable language that which until recently has been only speculative and obscure. We will not need to be “insiders” or wheeler dealers to understand. We will only need a street level view…with just a smattering of street level smarts. What will be clear are his bankruptcies. What will be clear is that he was flat out broke in the late 90s…having squandered the 100s of millions he had inherited from Daddy. That he was a real estate financier without any financing. That he had no credit or access to capital, the life blood of any Real Estate Business. A financier without money is basically what we (the great unwashed) refer to as “UNEMPLOYED”. AND, no respectable bank would loan him any money.

What his tax returns will show is that in his desperate hour of need, Donnie is suddenly and remarkably able to find lenders willing to loan him hundreds of millions of dollars with which to re-ignite his business. Where (you might justifiably ask) is this money coming from? His tax returns will reveal that the money is coming from…”Wait for it” …Off shore LLC’s with names like “ABC Investment Company” or “You’ll Never Find Our Real Names Investment Group” or if you are still having trouble keeping up, “Dirty Money With Strings Unlimited”. What (you may further inquire) are the chances that all this money up for grabs for the truly needy, desperate and malleable person with the perfect profile… may be traceable to V. Putin and friends? And (then finally) who is the type of person with the perfect profile to loan it to? How about a phony tough guy, capable of being blackmailed and bent to the will of the “money lenders” who enforce the “Golden Rule of money”…”He who has the gold, makes the Rules.” And he who is a low life always takes the low road…the one without safety signs warning about bad consequences for not only all those who ignore the rules of the road (Sometimes known as the Rule of Law)…but everyone else whose safety is also jeapordized.

Here is the ultimate irony, which everyone from New York City has known for years. As Michael Bloomberg, a real 50-billion-dollar rich guy who made his money legitimately put it so succinctly 3 years ago at the Democratic Convention: Donald Trump is a con…a phony… a man who is beholden to the likes of Vladimir Putin’s vast ocean of black money, stolen from the people of Russia. And this is what these GOP relics still don’t understand: “Tough Guy Trump” is Putin’s Bitch. Really…Donald Trump is nothing more than a cowardly little bitch, a phony, a front…fearful of exposure. And this “Strongman”, who all of these GOP’s (God forbid I lose my seat and have to get a real job) quake in front of, is nothing more than a bigger, little bitch than his supplicants…and a low-life bitch to boot.

Donald is not the first person to have ever blurred the lines between reality and unreality. But, let’s give credit where credit is due. He may be one of the best to have blurred the lines in such a high-profile position, so well and so extensively.

Would you like to un-blur the lines? Would you like some clarity? You say you want simplicity? How about some branding? You want the base to catch on? You want the GOP to grow a set…or at least figure out which way the wind is blowing? Here is your branding.

Vote against the low life Bitch.

Vote against the low life Liar.

Vote against the low life Coward

Vote against the low life Mistake

Vote against the low life Disaster.

Donald Trump is a low life form of human existence. Always has been…and with his typical tunnel vision, he did not see fit to try to upgrade for a role that could have infused his life with as much honor as he chose to opt for. Instead he chose a different road … and we are every-day learning more about where that road led.

Those that continue to support him in the face of overwhelming evidence of his unfitness for the massive responsibilities of the Office of the President of the United States are doomed to the same dustbins of history* as the greatest mistake in American Political History, Donald J. Trump.

* Thank you, John Brennan.



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