A Needed Bolt of Truth From John Bolton
After watching Fox News Laura Ingraham on her 10/28/2019 show attack Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, the House’s 10/29/19 witness, I thought I had seen everything in character assassination. After Col. Vindman, a Purple Heart recipient, with clear, eye-witness, enlightening testimony to Donald Trump’s reckless, national security endangering behavior, I am afraid that the “willingly deaf dumb and blind” GOPs and the shameful Fox hypocritical cowards (never seen action) seem ready to go even lower. To stem the “smear”, we need John Bolton’s testimony.
While Lovely Laura Smugly and Smilingly pre accused this patriotic, purple heart soldier of being a treasonous double agent, and while guest, Alan Dershowitz, former prized liberal attorney sat by with a dumbfounded grin frozen on his face and lips, it appears that the Republicans Senators are still looking for a way to run this race all the way to the bottom. I look forward to John Bolton etching his name in the history books as a hero.
The Fox Fog machine will soon shift in to full throttle trying to discredit the testimony of Colonel Vindman and all of the State department career diplomats, who have made it crystal clear that POTUS and Rudy et al have spent at least the last 3 months with furious activity trying to blackmail Ukraine. The Trump “dis-imformationalists” will continue trying to paint a picture of bitter, biased, career diplomat, traitors, who hate Trump and are only intent upon bringing down our TV “unreality” Star in Chief. The question is: How long can GOP senators sit by idly and paralyzed?
Not very long is the answer because John Bolton, will testify soon, and Mr. Bolton is not a timid man. He is also has shown to be a man of integrity. As much as I or you may disagree with his politics, I am certain that this life-long conservative Republican, a former key advisor to Trump, will testify truthfully… and in so doing he will corroborate all of the non-partisan, patriotic, “career diplomat” testimony which, will confirm that their testimony regarding this “drug deal” (Bolton’s terminology) is absolutely correct…that Trump and cronies did in fact engage in 3 months of despicable behavior betraying their oaths and undermining our country’s national security. His testimony will be what is commonly known as “unassailable”…that is to say unimpeachable or as Stephen Miller, grotesque mouthpiece par excellent for Donald Trump, would say (ironically)…“not to be questioned”.
His testimony will once and for all confirm the indecency of Donald Trump’s character, which is the basis of all of his indecent behavior. In larger part Bolton will demonstrate to the world that all of this Trump time wasted engineering these unpatriotic machinations to undermine and steal the 2020 election leaves him with no time to prepare for other more important decisions …such as his biggest blunder of all, known as SYRIA. God only knows what other secret, disastrous schemes Trump has in the works….which can only lead to further mistakes.
I hope that the hole that Mr. Bolton digs for all of the Trumpy co-conspirators and all of the Trump Media Fog Engineers is so deep that the whole bunch can spend the rest of their days trying to dig their way out.